Eau Dans la Ville (Water in the City)

Eaudanslaville is a service to help local authorities offered by the International Office for Water.
Eaudanslaville is intended for EPCIs, mayors, local elected officials and their departments, as well as delegated companies. It offers practical, technical, legal and economic answers to questions related to :
- Management of the water cycle at the local level
- Urban aquatic ecosystems and the biodiversity linked to these ecosystems
- Elected officials in charge of drinking water and sanitation, municipal service managers, water technicians, ... everyone can find the information they need in the various sections offered by Eaudanslaville.
Some of these sections are freely accessible, but a subscription allows privileged access to certain other sections: subscribers can thus consult all the content broadcast on Eaudanslaville (Guide des Services, Frequently Asked Questions) but also ask our experts their questions. Finally, anyone can subscribe to the newsletter if they wish.
The Services Guide is reserved for subscribers only.
- It contains various thematic sheets and is a reference tool in the local management of the water cycle, aquatic environments and biodiversity.
- These thematic sheets are regularly updated to keep up with changes in legislation, practices or knowledge on a subject.
- Thanks to the service guide sheets, you will be able to implement good practices in the field with regard to water issues.
- The Frequently Asked Questions is a unique database with more than 200 answers offering solutions for the difficulties you may encounter.
Faced with your most diverse questions: "What to do? ", " Which text to apply? ", " Where to find the right reference? ", " Who should I contact? ", "What are the most widely used or recognised practices/techniques in the technical, accounting or administrative fields of local water management? "The FAQs provide you with solutions and support on a daily basis on all subjects!
The 3 most recent answers are freely available.