The aim of the SMART.MET project, led by a group of 7 water utilities, is to drive the development of new technologies to deal with the collection and management of smart metering data, through a joint Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP).
Smart water metering presents itself as an effective solution to the challenges faced by the majority of European water utilities today, from extreme events induced by climate change to the need to replace an ageing infrastructure. Indeed, providing access to accurate data in real-time can help decrease operating costs and prioritize infrastructure investments, while also improving the daily management of networks and customer services.
By launching a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) procedure, the utilities involved seek to promote demand-driven research into new innovative smart meter solutions that fully cater to the needs of utilities (in terms of readability, battery lifetime, interoperability). The partners are currently preparing the call for tender, which should be published at the end of the year. It is foreseen that at least two of the solutions presented will be carried forward to the trial stage and be tested in pilot sites.
OIEau is the project coordinator.
It also intervenes on the following points:
- Ethics requirements
- Project Management Handbook
- Period Project Report
- Final Project Report
- Recommendations on Interoperability
- Recommendations on standardisation
- Recommendations on Interoperability and standardisation - intermediaite report
- Monitoring outcome Report
- Final Evaluation Report
- Web page