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"The Energy-Water Nexus in Lao PDR: Demonstrating Integrated Water Resources Management in the Hydropower sector"

Titre long: 
"The Energy-Water Nexus in Lao PDR: Demonstrating Integrated Water Resources Management in the Hydropower sector"
Précisions sur la localisation: 
Nom du client/bénéficiaire: 
World Bank, Lao PDR
Date de démarrage: 
novembre, 2017
Date d'achèvement: 
novembre, 2018
Banque Mondiale
Nom des consultants associés/partenaires éventuels: 
Compagnie Nationale du Rhône
Descriptif du projet: 

Project overall objective: The core objective of Energy-Water Nexus project is to demonstrate approaches that integrate IWRM and hydropower, considering not only hydropower generation but also non-power interests, in order to maximize the value of the water resources of Lao PDR. The main beneficiaries of this demonstration are the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) of Lao PDR.


Project specific objectives:

The main objectives of the project are related to the following issues:

  • To contribute to a better understanding of the principles for Integrated Water Resources Management into the hydropower sector;
  • To maximize the value of water availability in Lao PDR;
  • To provide security of water rights in the hydropower sector considering Concession Agreements;
  • To take into account cascade factors and interests of non-power water users;
  • To define a working program in order to improve coordination and exchange of information between MEM and MoNRE.

The project has three key outputs:

  1. Demonstration of approaches and analytical tools to integrate hydropower and integrated water management (including transfer of tools to MEM and MONRE).
  2. Application of the approaches and analytical tools for both hydropower planning and operations, using the Xekong and Nam Ou basins as examples; and
  3. Proposal to strengthen ministerial capacity in the tools and approaches, with a specific focus on stronger coordination of between MEM and MONRE.
Descriptif des services rendus par l'OIEau: 

OIEau was especially in charge of the point 3. “Proposal to strengthen ministerial capacity in the tools and approaches, with a specific focus on stronger coordination of between MEM and MONRE”. The main results of this component are:

  • Institutional analysis and diagnosis of the Energy and Water sectors in Lao PDR;
  • Inventory of the data and tools available and needed by both ministries in order to integrate water management in hydropower development;
  • Protocol to strengthen coordination for managing the Energy-Water Nexus between MEM and MONRE;
  • Propositions to optimize the institutional organization to integrate water resources management in the hydropower sector with possible mechanisms to implement;
  • Listing of possible coordination axes between MEM and MONRE and related mechanisms.

Onglets principaux