Variabilité du panache turbide de la Gironde par télédétection. Effets des facteurs climatiques
The Gironde estuary (France) discharges to the ocean an important amount of suspended particulate matter in the form of turbid plumes. The surface plume is more particularly studied from coastal oceanographic surveys and NOAA/AVHRR satellite data collected during a French programme of coastal oceanography (PNOC-Atlantic). The AVHRR reflectances are atmospherically corrected according to an algorithm based on the clear water concept. The comparison with suspended sediment concentrations are realised by direct and indirect calibrations. The correlations obtained show that at a same concentration the reflectance varies, probably because of varying particle (floc) size and composition. The shape and the surface measured from low resolution (4 km x 4 km) and high resolution (1 km x 1 km) AVHRR data are then compared to the forcings introduced by the fluvial output, the tide, neap and spring tide and the wind variations. The latter have an important effect on the orientation of the distal part of the turbid plume.
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