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Africa : Development of performance indicators for The management of transboundary basins in africa 2007 - 2010

The International Network of Basin Organisations (INBO) and its regional branch in Africa (ANBO) proposed to develop and field-test Performance Indicators adapted to the design and monitoring of the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) principles in African Transboundary basins.

INBO and ANBO, with the support of IOWater and Ecologic, aim to develop an appropriate method for developing a common understanding based on Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to build the capacity of basin organizations; these KPI will help among other :

  •  Basin Committees to define appropriate objectives, thanks to the check-list side of the PI ;
  •  BO management to design (River or Lake) Basin Management Plans (BMP), and the associated Programmes of Measures (PoM), by providing guidelines and benchmarking ;
  •  Public participation to be active, by highlighting what is expected in terms of involvement ;
  •  BO stakeholders to monitor the BMP / PoM process ;
  •  Donors to assess the quality of work and the use of their funds.

In Africa, BOs at different development stages can be found, but for the most part they are at the initial or emerging stages. It is then necessary to go step-by-step, to apply KPI to selected pilot basins, to analyse collected data, and to share the related knowledge to other BOs through a learning process.

This approach is conceptualised for the long-term. The proposed activities for the 3-year project are to pave the way for the use of KPI. The aim is to demonstrate how they can be useful, and to secure a sustainable scheme for the future, to strengthen the implementation capacity of RBOs.

Activities to be developed include:

  •  Discussions on the “Africa compliance” of the existing list of PI, both at ANBO level, thanks to a working team of member organisations, and at the local level in selected voluntary basins wishing to test the scheme, together with local stakeholders (including end-users / public) ; this will include training actions.
  •  Pilot implementation in 5 African Transboundary basins, on a voluntary basis, with a permanent support of an INBO/ANBO-driven sharing of knowledge, and a strong support by international IWRM experts. This implies to collect valuable information, often fragmented among many water stakeholders (with the additional difficulty of several countries being involved), and to add value to these raw information.
  •  Dissemination of PI practices and tools adapted to different usages / levels of development, with a support for new BOs in the implementation process.
  •  Participative design of a long-run model for the scheme in order to assure its long-term acceptability.

Two main types of actual services are provided by IOWater:.

First of all, the basic project management activities, which include:

  •  Communication and knowledge management; relations with donors, short term experts, partners but also beneficiaries River Basin Organisations in the countries, management of project website, organisation of Steering Committees.
  •  Management of sub-contracting activities
  •  Financial management of the project

In addition to those tasks devoted to project management, OIEau staff is also providing technical expertise in the frame of experts’ mission to the River Basin Organisations for assistance in practical tests of Performance Indicators and organisation of technical seminars gatherings project experts and RBOs representatives.

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